Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just a quick note

The other night at the Haiti talk, I concluded by challenging to "go and do." I think that takes us INTO the world making us the "in this world, but not of this world" concept we so often hear about. I forgot something though, or maybe I just didn't make it clear enough at the time...this was a CHALLENGE...it is supposed to be hard. If you are going and doing and there is no pain anymore, you are not going and doing enough. I AM NOT SAYING YOU NEED TO RUN YOURSELF TO DEATH!!!!! But there is a challenge aspect to it, there is a pushing and a breaking and a difficulty. Muscles don't grow unless there is some tearing down in the process. Then they can be built back up bigger and stronger. Make sure you make it a challenge...I could lift a 5 pound dumbell all day long, but it will not make me stronger...my mom needs 5 pound dumbells, to each their own, but if I don't push myself I will never get the potential out.

Sometimes that means leaving the job you are currently "going and doing" because it is an entry level position. If you just add another job, you are not leaving that position for a new person to step into, so that they may "go and do". Sometimes that is the hardest part, letting go of what you are currently doing...Satan loves this hold...he attacks us with conceit "No one else can do it as good as you can"...with feeling of weakness "if you give this up, people will see you aren't special, you aren't necessary and vital"...with self-doubt "you don't have what it takes to do the new job, so you better not give this one up." Could it be that you have what it takes, you just have to concentrate on that new job, that new calling? You don't need to be sidetracked, serving 2 masters, doing 2 jobs half-assed instead of one job kick-ass.

I meant for this to be really short, but as is usually the case, I can't shut-up my brain (I think I needed to really hear this one today). I will leave you with a great quote bonus points if you know where it comes from (without Googling).

"If it wasn't hard everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great."


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